Sunday, March 10, 2013

Michigans Most Stolen

There are many incorrect assumptions about auto theft, or, more specifically, the cars people want to steal. People hear about cars getting stolen, or see the lists of "most stolen" autos, and ask themselves "Why would someone want to steal THAT?". Sure, Ferrari parts bring in more money.But very few people own Ferraris, and those who do are more likely to order the parts from Italy, not buy them at a scrapyard.Car thieves aren't going after high-dollar, low-volume cars. They go for common cars that hundreds of thousands of people need parts for, and they go after the cars that are the easiest to steal (which is the case with Chrysler/Dodge products). The more people out there who own a certain kind of car, the higher the demand for parts.Not many thieves have any interest-or need-in stealing something like a Suzuki Forenza.If you're one of the last people in America who drives an Oldsmobile Omega, you're probably safe.But if you live in Michigan and drive any of the following, you'd be well-advised to invest in some anti-theft equipment.

1. 2000 Dodge Caravan

2. 2004 Chevrolet Impala

 3. 1997 Chevrolet Full size pickups

4.1997 Ford Taurus

5. 2002 Dodge Intrepid

6. 2005 Ford full size pickups

7. 1997 Pontiac Gran Prix

8. 2011 Chevrolet Malibu

9. 2002 Dodge Stratus

10. 2003 Dodge Ram

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